The Michigan Complete Streets Coalition needs your help to support Complete Streets legislation. The legislation requires communities and road agencies to consider nonmotorized and public transit accommodations to our transportation corridors in state, regional and local planning and implementation processes as a way to create more walkable, bikeable places where children and families can be physically active.
We are asking organizations and their individual members and/or associates to take action. Show support for this effort by sending your legislators a letter urging them to adopt Michigan House Bills 6151 and 6152. A template letter of support can be found below.
Organization leaders are also asked to forward these materials to their members and/or associates encouraging them to take action.
Step 1
Sign our predrafted email to House Transportation Committee Members expressing your support for HB 6151 and 6152. Please put your first and last name in the “Name” field. You are also encouraged to personalize the message using the “Personal Statement” field. The email form can be found at
Step 2
Using the sample provided on the following page, we also ask that you write a personalized letter to your individual Representative and Senator.
By putting in your 10-digit zip code at, you can determine who your legislators are and find their email addresses. Letters can be sent electronically or mailed to representatives and senators at the following addresses:
State Representatives
P.O. Box 30014
Lansing, MI 48909 - 7514
State Senators
P.O. Box 30036
Lansing, MI 48909 - 7536
Step 3
Please mark your calendars for May 27th at 10:30am. The House Transportation Committee will be taking testimony on the these bills. We would like to fill the room, so please consider attending these hearings. You may submit verbal or written testimony and/or simply fill out a comment card expressing your support for the legislation.
If you are planning to testify, we’d recommend being strategic and picking one or two angles you’d like to take (e.g. childhood obesity, overall health impacts, aging population, cost savings, environmental benefit, etc), as we are expecting a high level of interest and testimony needs to be short and sweet. If you are interested in submitting testimony, we also ask if that you please contact John Lindenmayer asap so we can attempt to coordinate everyone’s testimony.
Please download our Complete Streets fact sheet to learn more. The National Complete Streets Coalition site also has great fact sheets by issue area if you need additional resources to begin preparing your testimony.
SAMPLE LETTER (please personalize)
(Download Word Version of this Sample Letter)
<Date>, 2010
The Honorable <Name>
Post Office Box
Lansing, MI 48909
<Dear Representative/Senator>:
<I am/Organization is> asking that you support Michigan Complete Streets legislation. House Bills 6151 and 6152 were introduced to encourage communities and road agencies to consider nonmotorized and public transit accommodations to our transportation corridors in state, regional and local planning and implementation processes as a way to create more walkable, bikeable places where children and families can be physically active.
Complete streets policies ensure that infrastructure is designed and operated to enable safe access for all users. Pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and transit riders of all ages and abilities can move safely along and across a complete street. There is no prescription for what a Complete Street looks like. A Complete Street in a rural area will look different from a Complete Street in a highly urban area, but both are designed to balance safety and convenience for everyone using the road.
Complete Streets boost the economy by increasing residential property values because homeowners are willing to pay more to live in walkable communities and businesses located along Complete Streets often see an increase in sales. Complete Streets improve safety and reduce crashes by providing pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, such as safe crossings, sidewalks, or on-road bicycle lanes. Complete Streets promote public health by making it safe and convenient for children and families to incorporate physical activity into their daily lives as a way to combat the obesity epidemic.
Clearly, supporting Complete Streets is investing in a stronger and healthier Michigan. <I/We> urge you to vote in favor of the Michigan Compete Streets Bills. Together we can create a more vibrant Michigan.
Comments feed for this article
May 14, 2010 at 4:02 pm
Complete Streets Legislation Introduced in Michigan House « Michigan Complete Streets Coalition
[...] Sample Letter of Support [...]
May 21, 2010 at 6:37 pm
Danny Servey
As a senior citizen I feel this would have a posative affect on seniors,and cut down on pollution from automobiles, and create a good exercise program for all citizens in our community.
May 26, 2010 at 8:15 pm
Judy Grey
On a side note, let’s get moving on that proposed ITC Rail LIne. The rail line will put a lot of folks to work and provide transportation for all walks of life in Michigan!
May 17, 2010 at 11:15 pm
Janet Haring
Please support this!!!
May 21, 2010 at 6:13 pm
Gary McMillin
I ride a bicycle along I-275 bike path or shall we say what’s left of it, I urge you to pass this bill and make good clean exercise available to everyone who wants to go for a safe bicycle ride and burn calories and such.Thank You P.S. I am over 60 years young and enjoy biking when I can.
May 21, 2010 at 6:47 pm
Christopher Reading
Let us make Michigan truly friendly to its citizens AND tourists Do not force cyclists to compete with truckers, motorists & motor-cyclists. Chris
May 21, 2010 at 6:53 pm
brenda a stubbs
i am in support of this bill, thank you brenda stubbs
May 21, 2010 at 7:21 pm
Marlies Quinn
Detroit Mayor Dave Bing has expressed his opinion that building a mass transit system in our area is a top priority, impacting any future economic development. I agree. Complete streets goes hand in hand with this thinking. Offer the public safe alternative ways to get around the city and suburbs, and they will access it. I moved to this area 9 years ago, from a city that had a mass public transit system, & complete streets, & I took advantage of it, as did many others, & I miss it dearly! Our Michigan cities already have a rough road ahead entering the 21st century. Let’s build the infrastructure necessary to make this road passable!
May 21, 2010 at 9:05 pm
Lawrence Hollenbeck
The less we use gasilene driven vechiles by substituting people powered bikes the better!
May 21, 2010 at 9:38 pm
Robert DeKorte
I believe that this legislation should be passed. It will be a benefit to the state, because it will increase safety, improve the general health, thereby reducing health care costs, and will inprove the state image.
May 22, 2010 at 12:25 am
Frank Newsome
Most people are afraid to bike on congested hiways. I believe that many individuals would take advantage of bicyling if they had the opprtunity to be safe and bicyle trails would be very helpful. I know I would feel safer.
I believe this would lead to better health and cut down on health-care cost, which would benefit everyone.
May 22, 2010 at 3:58 am
Curtis Smith
Please hear me, I am an ssi recipient and am bound to a power wheelchair for the rest of my life. I am pleading with you and those who are working in your staff, to help push and follow through with the extra width in our streets, to give the bicyclists and fellow wheelchair-handicapped citizens the ability to get to places in the world that we are now not able to access.
There are many roads and highways that have NO sidewalks nor ways to otherwise get to places we would like to.
We are citizens with feelings and needs just like your cyclists and wheelchair-bound friends and their AND YOUR relatives.
THANKS, for your help and consideration, in this matter
of bills 6151 and 6152…
May 22, 2010 at 5:07 am
echildress warren
support house bill 6151 & 6152
May 22, 2010 at 6:47 am
stanley D Williams Sr
I like the idea myself and I hope that other people in the area, will step up and be counted, in this effort to get positive things done in the city.
May 22, 2010 at 8:24 pm
Rose L. Hunter
WE are counting on you to get the job done.thank you very much for your help.
May 23, 2010 at 5:28 pm
Eleanor wooldridge
I agree with the comment on 6151 & 6152
May 23, 2010 at 7:00 pm
Stuart S Smith
I had a friend a few years ago who was riding his three-wheeler down the shoulder of a paved rural road. Hew was hit by a pickup truck and killed.
May 26, 2010 at 4:48 pm
Mariann witt
Please make our community safeer by supporting this
May 26, 2010 at 9:51 pm
complete streets for MI cities - may 27 « Plan For TC
[...] These bills have the potential to be very positive for TC, which struggles to balance the needs of regional drivers with the priorities of residents and neighborhoods when it comes to our transportation grid. For more info on how to comment on the policies, see [...]
May 28, 2010 at 8:52 pm
House Transportation Committee Takes Testimony on Complete Streets « Michigan Complete Streets Coalition
[...] was standing room only yesterday as the House Transportation Committee took testimony on HB 6151 and 6152, Complete Streets legislation introduced by Represantives Jon Switalski and Pam Byrnes. The [...]
June 1, 2010 at 2:10 pm
Making a push for Complete Streets in Michigan |
[...] House Bills 6151 and 6152 were introduced in the Michigan House recently. The first requires that anyone receiving state or federal road funding must have a Complete Streets policy. The second makes Complete Streets, non-motorized transportation, and traffic calming required components of every Michigan community’s planning efforts. [...]
June 9, 2010 at 4:41 pm
Second Hearing on Complete Streets Scheduled for June 10th « Michigan Complete Streets Coalition
[...] you can’t make the hearing, you can still support the legislation at There is a letter that you can e-mail to members of the House Transportation committee. Of course [...]
June 10, 2010 at 2:55 pm
Linda Springsteen
I no longer feel safe riding my bike on the streets and roads of MI. The road are poorly maintained. I have riden my bike in AZ which have well maintained roads with bike lanes. Please do not give the excuse of weather for poorly maintained roads, the road in Europe put our road to shame. I have lost several friends who were killed by mirrors of pick up trucks. Tourism is MI biggest draw, safe roads for biking would be a huge draw for MI.
June 11, 2010 at 5:21 pm
Strong Support for Complete Streets at Second Committe Hearing « Michigan Complete Streets Coalition
[...] second House Transportation Committee hearing on Complete Streets legislation, HB 6151 and 6152, saw the room once again packed with supporters of the policies. The legislation, which seeks to [...]
January 4, 2011 at 2:18 pm
2010 blog in review « Michigan Complete Streets Coalition
[...] The busiest day of the year was May 21st with 1,419 views. The most popular post that day was Take Action - Support HB 6151 & 6152!. [...]