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As reported in the Daily Press:

Coalition promotes healthy lifestyles

MANISTIQUE - The city of Manistique has received a long to-do list from Dan Burden to make the community more walkable. Burden is a nationally recognized authority on bicycle and pedestrian programs who conducted a walkability audit last October. In a recently released draft report, Burden addresses areas of concern and provides suggestions for correcting problems that have befallen many Upper Peninsula cities.

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Expert wants ‘walkable’ U.P. cities

MANISTIQUE - The Manistique Strategic Alliance for Health (SAH) Coalition is looking to break the tradition of short-term health initiatives and programs. The coalition, which is a creation of the Sault Tribe of Chippewa Indians, has been busily preparing and planning for a permanent, community-wide makeover that includes two key improvements.

The Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program, in conjunction with a Complete Streets initiative and the creation of a farmer’s market, have become the central focus in a long list of initiatives being tackled by the coalition. According to Kerry Ott, community coordinator for Manistique, the goal of SAH is to encourage healthy lifestyles in order to prevent things like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity.

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Complete Streets are designed and operated so they work for all users – pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and transit riders of all ages and abilities. Communities that adopt complete streets policies are asking transportation planners and engineers to consistently design and alter the right-of-way with all users in mind.

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  • Childhood Obesity Task Force Recommends Complete Streets May 12, 2010
    The White House Task Force on Childhood Obesity, headed by First Lady Michelle Obama, released a new report and action plan to end childhood obesity in a generation. The report specifically recommends a federal Complete Streets policy. [Continue Reading "Childhood Obesity Task Force..."]
    Stefanie Seskin
  • Transportation Policy Is Health Policy May 10, 2010
    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention become one of the first agencies to weigh in on the federal transportation reauthorization – and transportation choice is front and center in their recommendations. [Continue Reading "Transportation Policy Is Health..."]
    Barbara McCann

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