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The Twin Cities Area Transportation Study, the group of communities in the Benton Harbor/St. Joseph area that work with federal, state, and local jurisdictions to plan for the transportation system in the area, recently passed their very own Complete Streets Policy! You can review the policy at
The policy aims to include non-motorized facilities in the development of all transportation projects within the planning jurisdiction. The design of our communities have not always taken into consideration other users of the transportation network, this policy aims to change the culture and infrastructure of an evolving region and demographic. This policy was developed with help from local municipalities, county road commission, MDOT, Disability Network of Southwest Michigan, and local advocacy groups representing biking, transit, and walking coalitions.
The next phase of the TwinCATS Walk and Roll Committee will be to develop a Top 10 list of locations in the planning area that need non-motorized facilities.
For more information about the TwinCATS Walk and Roll Committee or the process that was used to develop the policy contact Suzann Flowers at [email protected] or (269) 925-1137 x 17.