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Editor’s note: We reported on Tuesday, that Michigan now boasts the most Complete Streets policies in the country. We are proud to report that since we sent out that press release, we have actually added three more Michigan policies from the Cities of Taylor, St. Ignace and the Village of Mackinaw City. Michigan now has 20 policies in place along with our statewide law. We will post more information about the recently adopted policies in Taylor and St. Ignace in the upcoming days. In the meantime, CONGRATULATIONS Mackinaw City!
The Mackinaw City Village Council approved a Complete Streets resolution at its December 2, 2010 Council meeting. The Village believes that the objective of Complete Streets provides economic and health benefits to the residents and visitors of the Village.
The Resolution identifies the Village’s commitment to incorporate Complete Streets design into future planning and infrastructure documents, as well as implementing its features into future projects.
The Village of Mackinaw City takes great pride in its nine streetscape corridors featuring paver sidewalks and bicycle access. Complete Streets has challenged and energized the Village to continue the incorporation of Complete Street features into existing corridors and to plan for future construction projects.
The Village has recently adopted a community Hike and Bike Plan to implement additional Complete Street features such as sharrows, bicycle lanes, sidewalk extensions, crosswalk upgrades, and signage improvements.