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For the 2011 grant year, the following local health departments and communities have been awarded an ARRA-Complete Streets grant:
Local Health Department | Community |
District Health Department #10 | City of Big Rapids City of Ludington |
Ingham County Health Department | Lansing Township |
Marquette County Health Department | City of Marquette |
Public Health, Delta & Menominee Counties | City of Escanaba |
Washtenaw County Health Department | Pittsfield Township City of Ypsilanti |
Western U.P County Health Department | City of Hancock City of Ironwood |
Eight communities were awarded an ARRA-Complete Streets grants in 2010.
An example of how policy change can be accomplished widely is in Washtenaw County. As a result of funding (in part) and assistance from the Washtenaw County Health Department, the City of Saline was able to pass a Complete Streets ordinance in September, 2010. Recently, Washtenaw area’s regional transportation planning organization, Washtenaw Area Transportation Study, decided to take on Complete Streets as a special planning and visioning project in 2011. WATS will be convening a stakeholder group and have a public engagement process to develop a Complete Streets vision for Washtenaw County, including model policy language, design recommendations, etc.
For more information on the Complete Streets program, please contact Holly Madill at [email protected] or (517) 335-8372 or Lisa Grost at [email protected] or (517) 335-9781.
Congratulations to all of the grantees! We look forward to adding more push pins to our Complete Streets policy map.