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In recent AARP research, nearly 90% of the 45+ population indicated they would like to stay in their community for as long as possible and that it is important for them to remain near their family and friends, and be able to access services they need.
Livable Communities are places where people of all ages and abilities have, among other things, a range of travel choices to get safely where they need and want to go. These choices – walking, biking, driving and public transportation – help people stay connected and healthy. In a truly livable community, streets are built for people, not for cars, and downtowns are built for lingering and enjoyment, not for vehicle thru-put and getting commuters home faster after work.
You are invited to join AARP-MI and Dan Burden, Executive Director, Walkable and Livable Communities Institute, for an Active Living Workshop on Tuesday, September 27, 2011 from 8:30am – 2:30pm at Greater Grace Temple Banquet Center, 23500 Seven Mile, Detroit, MI 48219.
The goal of this workshop is to bring community leaders, elected officials and government staff together to engage in making their streets and neighborhoods more walkable and livable. The workshop will also illustrate through examples and audits how walkablility and livability benefit a community and how they can be achieved. Each participant will be inspired to become involved in the movement of active living. The workshop will focus on building healthy communities by applying the principles of active transportation, smart growth and complete streets.
If you would like to register for or learn more about the workshop, please contact Andrea Palmer at [email protected] or 1-866-227-7448. Responses are needed by September 23, 2011.
We hope that you or your representative will participate with AARP in this important community workshop.
9:30 – 11:30 am
Holland City Hall,
270 River Avenue, Holland
Please join a lively presentation and discussion concerning how we can make Downtown Holland more welcoming to bicycle riders of all ages and levels of expertise and how the bicycle can become the travel mode of choice for more folks coming Downtown and the interface with other ways of moving about.
Leading our discussion will be Dan Burden, Director of Walkable and Livable Communities, Port Townsend, WA. This discussion is being sponsored by the Holland Downtown Development Authority and the City’s Department of Community and Neighborhood Services. Questions can be directed to Phil Meyer, Department Director, at 616-355-1363 or [email protected].
Dan Burden is an internationally recognized authority on bicycle and pedestrian facilities and programs, livability, sustainability and Smart Growth. He brings together many disciplines and issues – street design, traffic calming, living streets, public safety, bicycling, and greenways – into a holistic vision for creating healthy, livable, sustainable and prosperous communities. Mr. Burden is founder and Executive Director of Walkable and Livable Communities, Inc. He has worked in over 2,700 cities and towns across the country, including the City of Holland.
The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is promoting a series of “walkability” audits in 17 communities around the state, designed to provide a hands-on evaluation of the walking conditions in a portion of the community, with active discussion of design improvement ideas. There is no charge for participants to take part in a walk or attend a presentation. The audits are designed to help city engineers, planners, officials and residents, health education professionals and others realize the benefits of providing a safe and attractive environment for walking. The audits will be conducted by Dan Burden of the Walkable and Livable Communities Institute, who has 38 years of experience in developing, promoting and evaluating active transportation facilities, traffic calming practices and walkable communities. Audits will be conducted from Aug. 16 - 27. A complete list of audits and contact information is available on the MDOT Web site under Roads and Travel under Alternatives to Driving.
The Charter Township of Delta is pleased to announce that Delta Township was chosen as a host community for a Walking Audit with Dan Burden along with two presentations of the findings of that walk. Dan Burden is the nation’s most recognized authority on walkable communities, bicycle & pedestrian programs, street corridor & intersection design, traffic flow & calming, road diets, and other planning elements that affect roadway environments. Dan is also sought after by the health community, promoting neighborhoods, villages, and cities that are designed for more active, interactive, and healthy living. Dan has 38 years of experience in developing, promoting and evaluating alternative transportation facilities, traffic calming practices and sustainable community design. To learn more about Dan and walkable communities please refer to these web sites: and The walk and presentations will be held Wednesday August 25,2010. We will meet and prepare for the walk in Room A of the Delta Township Administration building. The walk will begin at 10:30 a.m. and continue until about 12:30 p.m. Arrangements have been made for an EATRAN bus to facilitate movement from one location of the walk to another to maximize our time with Mr. Burden. Following the walk Mr. Burden will seek seclusion while he prepares a presentation based on the findings of our walk. The first presentation is scheduled for 3:00 p.m. Another presentation will be given at 6:30 p.m. Both presentations will be in the Waverly Middle School Auditorium at the corner of Snow Road and St. Joe Hwy.
NOTE: Dan Burden will also be in Douglas, MI on August 21 and Holland, MI on November 9.
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Michigan Complete Streets Coalition partner Karen Kafantaris of AARP presents on Complete Streets at the Michigan Municipal League's 2010 Capitol Conference held April 13 -14 in Lansing.
A packed room of 100+ engineers, planners and politicians attended the Complete Streets workshop at the Michigan Municipal League’s 2010 Capitol Conference held April 13 -14, 2010 in Lansing.
The panel included John Switalski (D - Warren) who spoke on pending statewide Complete Streets legislation that he plans to introduce this spring. Nationally recognized walkability expert Dan Burden also joined the discussion, as did Lansing City Council Women Jessica Yorko who recounted Lansing’s recent citizen driven Complete Streets initiative which led to the adoption of the first Complete Streets ordinance in Michigan. Michigan Complete Streets Coalition partner Karen Kafantaris of AARP rounded out the panel as she made the case for why Complete Streets are essential to mobility needs of aging Americans.
Dan Burden, an international expert on walkability, will lead a workshop on how physical design and walkability are at the core of creating and sustaining 21st century communities. See firsthand why Time Magazine listed him as one of the six most important Civic Innovators in the World. Participants will walk away with an expanded tool kit to draw from to build healthier neighborhoods and more complete streets through progressive physical design, improved connectivity and better traffic controls. Participants will better understand the impact of transportation and land use patterns on a local community in terms of safety and quality of life, including the effect of physical design on local economies. As part of this session, attendees will set visionary yet achievable goals and identify practical, high-impact changes that can be implemented within their community. Read the rest of this entry »
July 6 - 17th, 2009
Michigan Department of Transportation, in collaboration with Michigan State Housing Development Authority, Michigan Department of Environmental Quality and Michigan Department of Community Health, is pleased to offer the opportunity for you to attend a walkability audit in a Cool City, City of Promise, Port City and/or a Building Healthy Community near you.
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