- Our Midwest friends at the Minnesota Complete Streets Coalition have published the first addition of two toolkits to help support local Complete Streets work:
- Local Government Toolkit - geared toward local elected officials and city staff.
- Local Advocates Toolkit - geared toward citizens or community groups.Both toolkits include background on Complete Streets, common steps that communities or citizens can take to help make it happen, answers to common questions, and additional resources. The information is geared toward Minnesota and based on the experiences of local and national Complete Streets efforts. We hope that they prove useful and that you will be inspired and empowered to be a champion for Complete Streets throughout Michigan!
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May 24, 2011 at 1:07 pm
Bruce Ogilvie, MCP
where is the local government toolkit highlighted under documents available - need sample documents and ordinance enforcement language, have already included complete streets in May 10, 2010 adopted master plan for city of frankfort - now need to move from ideals to practical application(s)?
May 26, 2011 at 8:43 pm
League of Michigan Bicyclists
Hi Bruce,
Not exactly sure what you are seeking, but here’s a list of all the complete streets ordinances and resolutions in Michigan that we are aware of: http://michigancompletestreets.wordpress.com/resource/policy-center/. Give a call and maybe I can be of greater assistance: 517 334 9100. Also, please send us the Frankfort policy so we can get you listed on the website.