The Michigan Municipal League will hold a workshop on the Michigan Complete Streets movement as part of their 2010 Capitol Conference on April 13 - 14 in Lansing. Additionally, U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood will discuss funding incentives for communities that are collaborating together on multi-modal transportation plans. See workshop descriptions and a link for more details below.
Let’s Talk Transportation
With a new federal transportation funding bill being debated in Washington, U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood has been invited to open this Capital Conference with a timely and informative presentation. LaHood has made clear his desire to provide additional funding incentives to those communities that are collaborating together on multi-modal transportation plans. The establishment of the “Sustainable Communities Partnership” between USDOT, HUD and EPA represents a significant shift among federal agencies as to how transportation works in concert with land use, housing, community development and the environment. Come listen as to how this shift in policy will impact communities and transportation funding into the future.
This session will focus on Michigan’s Complete Streets movement and project planning that incorporates all forms of transportation as a way to build a desirable community. It will answer the key question: How can we build new roads that positively impact motorists, bicyclists, transit systems, walkers, seniors and the handicapped without breaking the bank? It’s not impossible, learn how from initiative advocates and other communities that have already adopted this approach.You Complete My Streets
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